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Remake It: Clothes *

Remake It: Clothes *
Remake It: Clothes * - adatlap
Méretek: H: 21cm SZ: 17cm
Kiadó: Thames and Hudson
Kiadás éve: 2012
Oldalszám: 272
Borító: keménytáblás
Idegen nyelv: angol
4,160 Ft-os megtakarítás!:) Most 34%-kal olcsóbb!
Eredeti ár: 12,150 Ft
Könyvudvar ár: 7,990 Ft
Darab: Kosárba tesz
26 éve változatlanul
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An encyclopedia of life skills, smart ideas and great design, "Remake It: Clothes" blends inspiration, entertainment and hands-on know how in equal measure, producing a wealth of almost-forgotten word-of-mouth skills, step-by-step projects to create new clothes from old and accessories from found materials, plus design examples from celebrated international designers, to show what can be created with a "Remake It" philosophy. With over 500 illustrations, 250 of which have been specially commissioned for the book, and featuring introductory essays on the history and context of recycling clothes in the fashion industry, as well as tips on vintage clothing, storage and caring for your clothes, "Remake It: Clothes" draws together global trends, traditional practices and modern innovations into a harmonious and life-enriching guide.

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