1 Introduction ^his coursebook is the revised edition of an earlier series of four volumes entided The Language of Finance and Accounting used in the College of i'inancc and Accountancy, Budapest Business School. The original scries was also primarily intended for self-study or distance learning programmes. The material was based on updated and modernised versions of two books: Gorgenji-Radvanji: Angoi JV (Economics, Finance and Trade) and Radvdnji-Vdrkonji: Angoi V (Accounting and Information in Business) used in undergraduate programmes of the college. It took the authors - practically all the faculty of the Languages Department - two years to prepare the teaching material, which was then used for five or six years. Now, due to several reasons, the series had to be reviewed and updated. Moreover, the editors have regrouped the units of the earlier series so that now the four books cover four major areas such as Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, Finance, and Accounting. Each volume can be used independently. The general concept and the main characteristics of this new coursebook have remained the same as those of the earlier series. This course is also meant primarily for self-study with very little reliance on teachers' assistance. The coursebook is organised in 12 units, designed to be studied during a 14 or 15-week semester, allowing the student some time for revision, testing, and examination. Each unit is subdivided into units, and the units into tasks to be completed. The prerequisite for this course is a working knowledge of general English which implies an overall acquaintance with grammar and a vocabulary of around 2000 words. The suggested method of study is as follows: 1. First Ksten to the recorded material, if you have it. Even if you don't understand everything, you should first get acquainted with the material through listening. 2. Read the material and do the exercises one by one, in the order in which they are found in the book. You wiU need a dictionary; using one (along with the word list accompanying each unit) is essential. 3. Check your solution to the task in the Key. Each exercise with this symbol has the answer at the back of the book. Do not refer to the Key before you have tried to deal with the problems. 4. Try to commit the phrases and the most important ideas to your memory. Remember that revision of whatever you have studied is essential. 5. Write as much as you can. The margin is there for you to make notes. More importandy, use a copybook where you are supposed to put down all written exercises. Take advantage of the Workbook if it is available.